Six Figures and Counting!

I’m not talking money, just the word count on my novel Wynde. I actually zoomed past it once my words-per-week kicked into what I’d term a more productive gear. Not that my normal pace is unproductive, but I’m capable of churning out 50,000 words of fiction in a month when the muse deigns to hand me all the pieces. Well, she finally unfurled her fingers and revealed those crucial middle pieces that will allow the characters to begin their breathless sprint to the end. The things I really enjoy writing: growing relationships, tested friendships, and space battles are on the horizon. Now the fun begins.

This also means I hit the mark where I said I’d reward myself with another teaser, this time from early in Act Two. Interestingly enough, when choosing the scene I decided on one with multiple characters because I don’t want to give away too much of Vespa’s story quite yet. Previously I’ve discussed my preference for minimizing the number of characters in any one scene, and in fact I’ve spent most of the past several weeks writing mainly one-on-one’s. Most of those involve Vespa or the men from the Protectorate, and they’ve all been featured already in excerpts. So I passed right over those scenes and picked one that features Daemyn Wynde and Utara Fireheart, Vespa’s parents. Hopefully you’ll get a good sense of their personalities in today’s excerpt. Hope you enjoy!