Talking Star Wars and Action!

As I’ve talked about previously at FANgirl Blog, I first got to see Katrina Hill in action at San Diego Comic Con when she hosted the Oh, You Sexy Geek! panel. I’m a big fan of her blog, and now that she is working hard on her first book, I thought I might be able to lend a hand by sharing a post about two of my favorite subjects – action and Star Wars. I’m so grateful the Action Flick Chick gave me this opportunity, and luckily the timing is perfect considering The Phantom Menace 3D opens tomorrow! So pop over and check out my thoughts on how excited I am to see Star Wars in three dimensions. No doubt I will be once more whooping at the movie screen this weekend.

I’m deep into some great action sequences for Wynde, so it was very inspiring to take a trip down memory lane and relive the excitement of sitting in the movie theater watching The Phantom Menace.