Tricia Barr Mark

Talking Star Wars and Action!

As I’ve talked about previously at FANgirl Blog, I first got to see Katrina Hill in action at San Diego Comic Con when she hosted the Oh, You Sexy Geek! panel. I’m a big fan of her blog, and now that she is working hard on her first book, I thought I might be able […]

Tricia Barr Mark

Six Figures and Counting!

I’m not talking money, just the word count on my novel Wynde. I actually zoomed past it once my words-per-week kicked into what I’d term a more productive gear. Not that my normal pace is unproductive, but I’m capable of churning out 50,000 words of fiction in a month when the muse deigns to hand […]

Shaping a Heroine – A Father’s Daughter

The more I write, the more I’ve come to the determination that writers really do write what they know, and if you really want to know who you are, it’s as simple as looking back at what you’ve written.  Ultimately that requires being critical of your flaws and weaknesses. And it’s true, self-awareness can be […]

Novel Title Revealed and Teaser Trailer

Happy Thanksgiving! I’ve had a tradition dating back to my childhood of sharing my creative side with family and friends around the holidays. My parents can tell you about cabarets full of song and dance, and friends often found a fun story or inventive Christmas letter pop up in their inboxes. So in the spirit […]

Tricia Barr Mark

My Adventures in World-Building

A couple of weeks ago, I began to worry about the writing on my novel slowing down.  As I’ve mentioned before, it ebbs and flows. A few months back, I had felt like I was writing at the speed of a car perpetually stuck in second gear – until I realized I was slowing down […]